We promised to bring you all the latest news of EA and today we’ve got a
major announcement to share. I’ve been lucky enough to watch the
progress on this from behind-the-scenes for months and I’m thrilled to
be able to unveil EA’s newest brand to you today – Origin is here!
With Origin you will get access to the best content EA has to offer, across multiple platforms, anytime you want. Origin will also help you stay connected with your friends in our growing online community. And later this year, Origin will be the destination where you can purchase and download highly-anticipated EA games, including Battlefield 3 and FIFA 12.
www.origin.com is your new destination for browsing, buying, downloading and playing your favorite games. You’ll get the best content from EA – on a PC or a mobile device – directly from Origin. At launch, you’ll be able to set up an Origin account and immediately connect with your friends.
Also launching today is the Origin beta application. Available for download at www.origin.com, the Origin beta is a desktop application that will be your direct connection to the best content from EA and offer the ability to create and manage your own personal community of gamers. Through the Origin application, users will be able to find and connect with friends, see what they are playing, and digitally download and play PC games straight from EA.
With Origin, you’ll no longer have to constantly swap out discs or shuffle through stacks of games – everything will be available right in your account. Even if you buy a new computer or are away from your home, you’ll always be able to play your favorite EA games with Origin.
Origin will also be available on the go with a mobile platform that gives you access to your profile and lets you connect and play with friends in EA’s leading smartphone titles, including SCRABBLE and the upcoming mobile version of Battlefield 3. In the future, mobile gamers will also be able to see which games their friends are playing, as well as compare high scores and compete for bragging rights.
After EA’s press conference next week at the E3 Expo in Los Angeles, you’ll also be able to access exclusive game content and trailers for Mass Effect 3, FIFA 12, SSX, Need for Speed: The Run, STAR WARS: The Old Republic, The Sims 3 and Battlefield 3. EA’s E3 press conference is scheduled for 12:30PM PST on June 6, 2011. Be sure to watch the live stream right here on EA.com.
See you there!
With Origin you will get access to the best content EA has to offer, across multiple platforms, anytime you want. Origin will also help you stay connected with your friends in our growing online community. And later this year, Origin will be the destination where you can purchase and download highly-anticipated EA games, including Battlefield 3 and FIFA 12.
www.origin.com is your new destination for browsing, buying, downloading and playing your favorite games. You’ll get the best content from EA – on a PC or a mobile device – directly from Origin. At launch, you’ll be able to set up an Origin account and immediately connect with your friends.
Also launching today is the Origin beta application. Available for download at www.origin.com, the Origin beta is a desktop application that will be your direct connection to the best content from EA and offer the ability to create and manage your own personal community of gamers. Through the Origin application, users will be able to find and connect with friends, see what they are playing, and digitally download and play PC games straight from EA.
With Origin, you’ll no longer have to constantly swap out discs or shuffle through stacks of games – everything will be available right in your account. Even if you buy a new computer or are away from your home, you’ll always be able to play your favorite EA games with Origin.
Origin will also be available on the go with a mobile platform that gives you access to your profile and lets you connect and play with friends in EA’s leading smartphone titles, including SCRABBLE and the upcoming mobile version of Battlefield 3. In the future, mobile gamers will also be able to see which games their friends are playing, as well as compare high scores and compete for bragging rights.
After EA’s press conference next week at the E3 Expo in Los Angeles, you’ll also be able to access exclusive game content and trailers for Mass Effect 3, FIFA 12, SSX, Need for Speed: The Run, STAR WARS: The Old Republic, The Sims 3 and Battlefield 3. EA’s E3 press conference is scheduled for 12:30PM PST on June 6, 2011. Be sure to watch the live stream right here on EA.com.
See you there!